
Many years ago, close to a decade perhaps, when I lived in Connecticut, a scandal broke. Connecticut had a small, fairly tight-knit, and very active Muslim community with some wonderful local leaders in the state, and I was lucky to have worked closely with most of...

Ali, Orlando, Asia, Adnan, Undisclosed

ALI When Muhammad Ali died I cried. A deep sadness set in and every so often I’d just have a little breakdown for the first few days. I know it wasn’t just me, I’m just one of millions of others who felt a connection to him, a pride in him and a love for him despite...

Officer Of The Court

The current prosecutor in Adnan’s case, the esteemed DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND Thiru Vignarajah, has been playing dirty in another case.  A motion filed in court today alleges, through the testimony of Baltimore detectives themselves, that...

House of Cards

There have been too many times in the last 17 years that I thought, we thought, Adnan thought that everything would work out. That the system would get it right, that a judge would get it right. And every time, up until the past year, we were wrong. That’s why every...


Yesterday Bob Ruff’s Truth and Justice podcast was fascinating. After his shoutouts to the Undisclosed team and all the volunteers helping us dig up information (right back at you Bob), he featured an interview with the very famous Jim Clemente. I’ve been...

Hae and “K” Speak

A few days ago Susan blogged, after many moons and much anticipation (I love her posts), and what a write-up it was.  Susan tackled the very difficult and sobering issue of the lividity, the way Hae’s body was found at the crime scene, and mysterious marks that...