Fightin’ Words

So the State of Maryland filed its response to Adnan’s motion to reopen, which, by way of reminder, he was directed to do by the higher court, the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland.  I’d say when the higher court literally says “yeah go file that...

And It’s Only Wednesday

A lot has been going on, which is how I will weasel my way out of not blogging any sooner. It’s already COB on the day the State’s response brief to our Motion to Reopen was due and I’ve been strumming my fingers, trying to calm my heart...

It’s On Now

Yesterday was a good day for Adnan and his supporters. Not such a good day for the State of Maryland. First they got bitten in the bum by their brilliant maneuver of referring to the cell phone records as their response to Asia’s alibi for the 2:36pm call,...

So Hard to Say Goodbye

Let me start by saying Eid mubarak to all of the Muslims celebrating the end of 29 days of summer fasting! Wishing you a peaceful and blessed day, full of family and friends, laughter and food. And gifts. Or gift cards. Cash ain’t so bad either. See, when I was...

How Deep Are The Weeds

If you’re caught up on all of the Undisclosed episodes, you should be used to your mind getting blown repeatedly. I listened to episode 5 about five times myself, and heck, I’m actually in it. Today’s Addendum will open with something amazing too -something...

Its my BornDay

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME? KINDA  My official, on-paper, birthday is August 1, 1974.  But I was actually born on June 14, 1974.  When my parents were immigrating to the US, they realized we all needed birth certificates, which were rarely issued in Pakistan back in the day...