Happy Birthday Adnan

Today is Adnan’s birthday. Today he turns 34.* I wrote before about how, in the early years of his incarceration, my mother dreamt that Adnan would be released from prison in his 30’s, specifically after the age of 35. My husband says my mother told him it...

Happy Mother’s Day, Ami

A man came to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and said, ‘O Messenger of God! Who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet said: Your mother. The man said, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man further asked,...

Drop It Like It’s Hot

All day people have been tweeting at me to find out when the second episode of our podcast Undisclosed will post and there were a lot of moans and groans when I told them 6pm EST. That’s what happens when everyone involved has full time jobs that having nothing...

Undisclosed: Here it Comes

I’ll be honest. I’m a little nervous. I had no clue (why? because I am ridiculously naive and don’t have the time to think even a week ahead) that our podcast would get covered by the NY Times, the Washingtonian, the Rolling Stone, PBS Newshour,...

A Thousand Little Pieces

On Sunday I visited Adnan after a very long time – at least four months. Since he was moved to Cumberland six years ago, it’s been difficult for anyone, including his family, to see him often. The trip takes most of the day going back and forth and the...


Last week I learned that a plane will not go down if people are talking on their cell phones. I know this now because a good ten minutes before my plane landed in Pakistan, at least four people whipped out their cell phones to tell loved ones in the airport that we...